Spatial Weights in tidyrgeoda

tidyrgeoda provides following methods for spatial weights by invoking rgeoda:

  • Queen
  • Rook
  • Distance based
  • K-Nearest Neighbor
  • Kernel
  • Read GAL/GWT/SWM weights

Load spatial data and nessary r package.


guerry = read_sf(system.file("extdata","Guerry.shp",package = "rgeoda"))
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 29 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 595532 ymin: 1858801 xmax: 975716 ymax: 2564568
## Projected CRS: NTF (Paris) / Lambert zone II
## # A tibble: 6 × 30
##   CODE_DE COUNT AVE_ID_  dept Region Dprtmnt     Crm_prs Crm_prp Litercy Donatns
##   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>  <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 01          1      49     1 E      Ain           28870   15890      37    5098
## 2 02          1     812     2 N      Aisne         26226    5521      51    8901
## 3 03          1    1418     3 C      Allier        26747    7925      13   10973
## 4 04          1    1603     4 E      Basses-Alp…   12935    7289      46    2733
## 5 05          1    1802     5 E      Hautes-Alp…   17488    8174      69    6962
## 6 07          1    2249     7 S      Ardeche        9474   10263      27    3188
## # ℹ 20 more variables: Infants <dbl>, Suicids <dbl>, MainCty <dbl>,
## #   Wealth <dbl>, Commerc <dbl>, Clergy <dbl>, Crm_prn <dbl>, Infntcd <dbl>,
## #   Dntn_cl <dbl>, Lottery <dbl>, Desertn <dbl>, Instrct <dbl>, Prsttts <dbl>,
## #   Distanc <dbl>, Area <dbl>, Pop1831 <dbl>, TopCrm <dbl>, TopLit <dbl>,
## #   TopWealth <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>

Contiguity Weights

Contiguity means that two spatial units share a common border of non-zero length. Operationally, we can further distinguish between a rook and a queen criterion of contiguity, in analogy to the moves allowed for the such-named pieces on a chess board. The queen criterion is somewhat more encompassing and defines neighbors as spatial units sharing a common edge or a common vertex.The rook criterion defines neighbors by the existence of a common edge between two spatial units.

To create a Queen contiguity weights, one can call the function

st_contiguity_weights(sfj,queen = TRUE)
qw = st_contiguity_weights(guerry)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE              
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0581314878892734
## 4 "min neighbors:"          2                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          8                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         4.94117647058824  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       5                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

If queen is assigned to FALSE,tidyrgeoda will invoke rgeoda to create a Rook contiguity weights.

rw = st_contiguity_weights(guerry,queen = F)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE              
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0581314878892734
## 4 "min neighbors:"          2                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          8                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         4.94117647058824  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       5                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

You can also create high order of contiguity weights by changing order to more than 1.

rw = st_contiguity_weights(guerry,queen = F,order = 2)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value            
##   <chr>                     <chr>            
## 1 "number of observations:" 85               
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE             
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.104636678200692
## 4 "min neighbors:"          2                
## 5 "max neighbors:"          14               
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         8.89411764705882 
## 7 "median neighbors:"       9                
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

Create contiguity weights with 1-order and 2-order together:

rw2 = st_contiguity_weights(guerry,queen = F,order = 2,
                            include_lower_order = T)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value            
##   <chr>                     <chr>            
## 1 "number of observations:" 85               
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE             
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.162768166089965
## 4 "min neighbors:"          4                
## 5 "max neighbors:"          21               
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         13.8352941176471 
## 7 "median neighbors:"       14               
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

Distance Based Weights

The most straightforward spatial weights matrix constructed from a distance measure is obtained when i and j are considered neighbors whenever j falls within a critical distance band from i.You can use st_distance_weights() to achieve the Distance Based Weights.

dw = st_distance_weights(guerry)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE              
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0434602076124567
## 4 "min neighbors:"          1                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          7                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         3.69411764705882  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       4                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

The distance threshold default is generate use rgeoda::min_distthreshold(),but you can assign dist_thres argument by hand.

dw2 = st_distance_weights(guerry,dist_thres = 1.5e5)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE              
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0968858131487889
## 4 "min neighbors:"          2                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          13                
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         8.23529411764706  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       9                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

K-Nearest Neighbor Weights

A special case of distance based weights is K-Nearest neighbor weights, in which every observation will have exactly k neighbors. It can be used to avoid the problem of isolate in distance-band weights when a smaller cut-off distance is used. To create a KNN weights, we can call the function st_knn_weights():

knn6_w = st_knn_weights(guerry, 6)
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          FALSE             
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0705882352941176
## 4 "min neighbors:"          6                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          6                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         6                 
## 7 "median neighbors:"       6                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

Kernel Weights

Kernel weights apply kernel function to determine the distance decay in the derived continuous weights kernel. The kernel weights are defined as a function Kz of the ratio between the distance dij from i to j, and the bandwidth hi, with $z = \frac{d_{ij}}{h_i}$.

The kernel functions include

  • triangular
  • uniform
  • quadratic
  • epanechnikov
  • quartic
  • gaussian

Two functions are provided in tidyrgeoda to create kernel weights.

Use st_kernel_weights() for Kernel Weights with afixedbandwidth

kernel_w = st_kernel_weights(guerry,"uniform")
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          FALSE             
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0434602076124567
## 4 "min neighbors:"          1                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          7                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         3.69411764705882  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       4                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

Use st_kernel_knn_weights() for Kernel Weights with adaptive bandwidth

adptkernel_w = st_kernel_knn_weights(guerry, 6, "uniform")
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          FALSE             
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0705882352941176
## 4 "min neighbors:"          6                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          6                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         6                 
## 7 "median neighbors:"       6                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE

Create Spatial Weights object by st_weights()

st_weights() is a wrapper function for all above st_*_weights,you can use it like:

qw = st_weights(guerry,weight = 'contiguity')
## Reference class object of class "Weight"
## Field "gda_w":
## An object of class "p_GeoDaWeight"
## Slot "pointer":
## <pointer: 0x55b95668aec0>
## Field "is_symmetric":
## [1] TRUE
## Field "sparsity":
## [1] 0.05813149
## Field "min_neighbors":
## [1] 2
## Field "max_neighbors":
## [1] 8
## Field "num_obs":
## [1] 85
## Field "mean_neighbors":
## [1] 4.941176
## Field "median_neighbors":
## [1] 5
## Field "has_isolates":
## [1] FALSE
## # A tibble: 8 × 2
##   name                      value             
##   <chr>                     <chr>             
## 1 "number of observations:" 85                
## 2 "is symmetric: "          TRUE              
## 3 "sparsity:"               0.0581314878892734
## 4 "min neighbors:"          2                 
## 5 "max neighbors:"          8                 
## 6 "mean neighbors:"         4.94117647058824  
## 7 "median neighbors:"       5                 
## 8 "has isolates:"           FALSE